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Seniors, veterans and the disabled also may qualify for an additional grant of up to $275. Government has raised the threshold to qualify for the full home owner grant to shield some owners from a higher property tax bill. Owners will also be notified of these program administration changes on the property tax notice, on the City of Chilliwack’s website and social media accounts. “The Province is taking over administration of the home owner grant program starting this year to make it faster and easier for homeowners to apply,” said Sonia Lowe, media spokesperson for Ministry of Finance. • Keep property tax notice on hand with info you’ll need to apply. Seniors whose property tax bills have skyrocketed over the years also have the option of deferring property taxes until the eventual sale of the home.
The grant threshold is the maximum value of an assessed or partitioned property where home owners are eligible to claim the full home owner grant. Most eligible property owners qualify for the regular grant . In 2021, the home owner grant application process changed, but program details and eligibility requirements have not changed.
Apply for the multiple home owner grant
If you have missed the deadline to apply for the Provincial Home Owner Grant for the previous year, you can still apply for the grant if you are the registered owner of the property at the time of application, and reside at the property on December 31. The partitioned value of a property is the property’s assessed value divided by the number of residences on that property. To qualify, each residence must have cooking, sleeping, bathroom and living room facilities. You may be able to claim the full regular grant amount if your property has an assessed or partitioned value of $1,975,000 or less.
Property tax notices will start arriving in Chilliwack mailboxes after May 25, 2021. • up to $845 for homeowners who are 65 years or older, or the homeowner is a person with a disability or lives with a relative who has a disability. The program for rural home owners is administered provincially, so this will streamline efforts further. You may also be able to apply for a retroactive grant if you qualified last year but didn't apply. If you are buying or selling a property, there are other factors that will determine the amount you can claim for the home owner grant. If you own more than one home, you can't designate which one is your principal residence.
Home owner grant
“Formal designation is a legislative tool and a way of publicly acknowledging a home or building’s historic value to our community,” said Reid. B.C. Real Estate Association chief economist Cameron Muir said the loss of the home owner grant for some property owners is unlikely to impact the market. Centralization will also address concerns raised by municipalities over the “burden of program administration” as well as offering online access, phone service, and quicker processing. Instead applications will go directly to the province starting in May 2021, using a new online system that is part of a recent provincial “centralization” effort, according to a Ministry of Finance media spokesperson. To avoid the second 5% late payment penalty on the HOG portion of your taxes, you MUST submit your completed Grant application by August 3, 2022.
Properties assessed over the threshold may receive a partial grant . The home owner grant reduces the amount of property tax you pay for your principal residence. The 2021 Home Owner Grant threshold is set at $1.625 million.
If you arebuying or selling your property, ensure you meet all requirements before claiming the home owner grant. Heritage Chilliwack Society just announced a new Heritage Designation Grant of up to $500, to cover the municipal application fees. More than 76,600 Surrey homes received the grant in 2014, compared to 63,425 homes in the more populous City of Vancouver. Finance ministry data provided to Black Press shows residents of more affordable areas of the Lower Mainland are much more likely to claim the home owner grant than those in the priciest areas such as Vancouver and the North Shore. Sign up for a free account today, and receive top headlines in you inbox Monday to Saturday.
The change will prevent ineligible homeowners from being penalized for late payments by enabling them to confirm eligibility before taxes are due, according to the ministry. It will also prevent fraud by preventing multiple applications for grants by owners of multiple properties in different jurisdictions. The grant is available to homeowners who pay property taxes to a municipality, or to the province if they live in arural area. If you pay your property taxes to a First Nation, contact the First Nationdirectly.
Low Income Supplement
The grant amount is reduced by $5 for every $1,000 your property value is over the threshold. If you have received a Notice of Disentitlement that indicates you're not eligible for a home owner grant, find outhow to pay your outstanding balance. Laneway homes and multi-family dwellings like a duplex, triplex and fourplex qualify as separate residences. A suite in your principal residence doesn’t qualify as a separate residence. Roperties assessed higher than $2,144,000 ($2,184,000 in a northern and rural area), are not eligible for a home owner grant.
You must apply for the home owner grant each year to receive it. You can apply to have the assessed value of your property partitioned using theHome Owner Grant Partitioning application. To qualify for the home owner grant, your principal residence must be taxed as an improvement.
Your grant amount may be adjusted to ensure the minimum amount of annual taxes are paid. “To avoid the second five per cent late payment penalty on the HOG portion of your taxes, you must submit your completed Grant application by August 3, 2021. Stories of Chilliwack homeowners waiting several hours to get through to provincial officials on the phone are being reported. The revised threshold is $1.2 million and homes above that lose $5 of the grant for every $1,000 in additional value. The regular grant is eliminated on properties assessed at $2,089,000 or more.

The multiple home owner grant allows property owners to apply for the home owner grant on behalf of eligible occupants living in their building or on their property. The Home Owner Grant is a provincial subsidy program that reduces the amount of property tax you pay for your principal residence. Property owners must meet eligibility requirements and complete an application each year. Property owners must pay at least $350 in property taxes to help fund services such as road maintenance and police protection. The best time to apply is after receiving property tax notices in the mail, and before the due date. So although residents still pay taxes through the City of Chilliwack, the homeowner grants are now a provincially administered program with the deadline of July 2.
For the purpose of claiming the home owner grant, you can have only one principal residence. The regular grant amount is $570 for properties located in the Capital Regional District, the Metro Vancouver Regional District and the Fraser Valley Regional District. “Many heritage buildings have character defining elements and often contain historic materials and unique architectural features that are difficult and expensive to replicate. The fee for City of Chilliwack is currently $320 to make an application, and the grant offers up to $500.
The goal is ensuring the same percentage of homeowners continue to be eligible across the province, according to the ministry. As of 2021, all applications must be submitted to the Province. City of Chilliwack residents no longer apply for the retroactive home owner grant at our office.
Sometimes homeowners seek designation to express their pride of ownership and to conserve the properties for future generations. That means eligible homeowners in Chilliwack will no longer be applying for their grants through City of Chilliwack come spring. The homeowner grant program has been taken over by the Province of B.C.

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